RailEvent 2024
RailAdvice's annual seminar, RailEvent, was held last week at our office in Oslo. Around 60 guests attended the event, which featured insightful presentations followed by enjoyable mingling.
Under seminaret var det tre spennende foredrag som ga oss verdifull innsikt og ny kunnskap. Vi fikk lære om de nye t-banevognene til Oslo (Ingvar Fleten og Erlend Rehn fra RailAdvice), Samhandling, koordinering og utvikling i praksis (Emil Eike, Go-Ahead) og Cyber security in Railway (Alex Bishop, Tilt Consulting)
Etter seminaret ble det god tid til mingling med fingermat, hvor vi fikk anledning til å knytte nye bekjentskaper og dele erfaringer med andre jernbanevenner.
Takk til alle som deltok og bidro til å gjøre RailEvent så vellykket!
En spesiell takk til våre dyktige foredragsholdere for å dele sin kunnskap og erfaring med oss!

During the seminar, there were three exciting presentations that provided us with valuable insights and new knowledge. We learned about the new metro cars for Oslo (Ingvar Fleten and Erlend Rehn from RailAdvice), Collaboration, Coordination, and Development in Practice (Emil Eike, Go-Ahead), and Cybersecurity in Railways (Alex Bishop, Tilt Consulting UK).
After the seminar, there was time for mingling with finger food, where we had the opportunity to make new friendships and share experiences with fellow railway enthusiasts.
Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making RailEvent so successful!
A special thanks to our skilled speakers for sharing their knowledge and experience with us!